MESYETI's Website
<- HomeDay 04 - Implementing pointers in Callisto
I've been working on pointers and I realised something. The dereference operator made implementing pointers so much harder. It adds so much cases to account for which started making my compiler a bit of a mess. I decided that this isn't worth a feature that isn't even that useful (it's not like using pointers to integers is that common), so I removed it. Now I am just left with implementing the structure syntax for pointers to structure instances, to get rid of the main issue which is the messy syntax for accessing the members of a struct pointer.
Because of the removal of the dereference operator, I implemented this in one backend in about an hour of work. So, this should be done within the next few days, and then I can move onto modules which should be more interesting.
Sorry that this one is so short, there isn't that much to say. This will be the same for the next few days as I implement this for the other backends, I probably won't even make a post for these since it's the same stuff over and over.